Third Party Validation Through Strategic Media Relations

For all the talk about newspapers dying and traditional media going the way of the dinosaur, there are myriad places to tell good stories. You just have to work with the right people to get the job done.


Our clients are known the world over for the work they do, but not often outside of their sphere of influence. We help them earn credibility and greater awareness through media coverage seen by their customers, prospects, and potential employees.


We get to know our clients. Some of the best stories are born out of casual conversations. In order to capture those nuggets, we function as an extension of our client’s team to ensure every conversation gleans insights, inspiration, and ideas.   

We put our skills to use. We cut our teeth in media relations, working with local, regional, national, and trade reporters covering everything from healthcare and automotive to real estate and artificial intelligence. Through that experience we’ve learned what it takes to demonstrate value to reporters, and we put it to use for our clients.

We see it through to the end. Media relations is a process that can take time. We guide our clients through that process to ensure we are on the same page in terms of expectations and success metrics. We prepare them for interviews, ghostwrite bylines on their behalf, and maintain relationships with the reporters that matter most in their space.


Whether it’s a feature in the Toledo Blade around an automaker’s solar panels on the roof of their assembly plant in Toledo, or coverage in TechCrunch that highlights a consumer technology innovation, we are well positioned to help our clients get attention in the places that matter most to their audience.